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AboutUs Testimonials

  • NYTimes.com  (read the original)

    AboutUs dynamically creates pages from publicly accessible information on Web sites, like meta tags and whois information. Once built, the pages - like any wiki - are available to be edited by the company, users, or anyone who visits the site.
  • FloorMall.com  (read the original)

    The staff at AboutUs.org took the time to understand our business, and translated the essence of what we do into SEO-savvy content that not only is driving more traffic our way, but reads well too. So if you're looking to move up on the search engines you care about, AboutUs offers a compelling solution. (AboutUs' SpotlightUs service)
  • NewAffiliatesResource.com  (read the original)

    AboutUs.org, wiki’s web directory, is the best known user customized web directory.
  • Genexbs.com  (read the original)

    I think the idea of Aboutus.org will help new websites gain popularity, and AboutUs.org will become a (human intelligent) layer over robotic search results, creating much more reliable information about websites.
  • TechFlash.com  (read the original)

    As an example of how AboutUs works, check out the TechFlash.com page here. I started editing the page on December 11 and promptly forgot about it until my interview with Chief Executive Ray King this week. When I returned to the page, contributors had added all sorts of bells and whistles. Now, you can find a detailed description of TechFlash, biographies, photos and contact details.
  • KillerStartups.com  (read the original)

    AboutUs indexes very well in most search engines. As a result, AboutUs pages contribute to a website's visibility. By having an AboutUs page that connects a business to its logical tags/categories, as well as to its industry neighbors, AboutUs is building a valuable, interconnected resource.
  • PolymerStudios.com  (read the original)

    Go to AboutUs.org and you will probably find info about your company there. It has been scraped from your site. At no cost, you can register and modify the info. But for a couple hundred bucks, a professional staff writer will produce an in-depth article about your company, which will provide links back to specific pages on your web site.
  • LinkBuildr.com  (read the original)

    If you’re working on a client, or wanting a SEO boost then I highly recommend paying for an AboutUs Sponsor Review. For $197 USD you can have their staff write a review of your website/business which will get you a content rich profile page.
  • XavierMedia.com  (read the original)

    AboutUs is actually a really good way to get some extra back links to your site and also get some extra exposure for your domain names.
  • Xconomy.com  (read the original)

    Go to AboutUs.org and you’ll find a page for almost every website out there. There is basic information about companies and people—addresses, contacts, summaries—and it’s all editable, Wiki-style, by anyone.
  • CompFused.com  (read the original)

    If you're one of those people who wish you knew a little more about that extra special site you've been racking up hits on, check out AboutUs. Think of them as that guy in your IT department who can tell you everything about any site that's out there. Except you don't have to deal with his cocky attitude and coffee breath.
  • Rent-My-Brain.net  (read the original)

    If you publish one or more websites, you will always look for good ways to get the word out about what you are doing. This afternoon, I ran across a new wiki designed specifically for web sites - AboutUs.org.
  • NoHeat.com  (read the original)

    Every once in a while I do a search for my own website with Google to see whats linking back, but doing a search this week returned a very interesting result. When I searched for “Noheat.com” the number 2 result was a aboutus.org wiki link. When I clicked around I noticed that they found a lot of my domains (not all though) and linked them up, also if I visited a site without a AboutUs wiki it autogenerated a wiki for the site which is pretty cool for building a database of sites and getting a nice link back.
  • We think we've got a pretty great website, but don't just take our word for it. Read what other people have to say about AboutUs.
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