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About the Weblog


The weblog is an attempt by AboutUs to fuse the traditional weblog format with wiki, where posts can be contributed, edited and collaborated by everyone. This is inspired by's WeblogControlledByWiki and recently by BrianKerr's excellent piece on Weblog Window Shopping.

Potential Posts


The wiki-weblog idea is still in its infancy (as is the implementation). Right now, we're using a WordPress format to make posts to the traditional weblog (for the RSS feed), while posts are often written and vetted on the main AboutUs wiki at Weblog/PotentialPosts. Over time, we plan to integrate the weblog with the main website even more to allow for a richer set of community contributions.

If you have an idea for a weblog post, go ahead and add it to the Weblog/PotentialPosts page, or drop MarkDilley a note for more information on how to help. If you want, check out the Resources page for ideas.

Recent AboutUs Weblog Posts  15px-RSSFeedIcon.png



27 January 2008

WardCunningham announces TweetSpeak on Twitter on Friday at 06:22 PM January 25, 2008

Twitter is a popular micro-blogging site that easily demands too much of your attention for the simple reason that you have to read it. Now you can listen instead. TweetSpeak lets you give your friends the continuous partial attention they deserve without taking your eyes off of the work you should be doing.

Reactions around the net:

Alert - you do need to know how to run a command line.

but I figured it out, so it is fairly easy

Contributors: MarkDilley

Screencast: Welcome to AboutUs

25 January 2008

As another step towards making available great help resources for wiki editors and vistors, we have created our first screencast, called Welcome to AboutUs. Over the next few weeks, we plan to create many more screencasts, to compliment all of the existing help information. We would love your comments both on this screencast and on which topics you think we ought to be covering first as we develop more.

Video: WikiCoaching with AboutUs Founder Ray King

17 January 2008

In conjunction with our Three New Services, AboutUs founder and CEO Ray King explains the value of wiki as well as the process for our "Promote My Company" service. He also explains what a WikiCoach can do to improve the article about your company and how to use AboutUs to promote your company.

contributors: RayKing, WardCunningham and ChrisBabson

We're Launching Three New Services!

10 January 2008 We're excited to announce the availability this afternoon of three new services for the AboutUs community. You may have noticed already that there are three new tabs up in the top right corner of each page on the wiki. Some of these services may be more useful for you than others, but we hope that you'll be as excited as we are to see what we've got to offer.

Here's a quick description of the three new services available:


1. Free monitoring. Any article on the AboutUs site can now be watched automatically for changes - no account creation required. Just click the "Get Page Alerts" tab and enter your email.

2. Premium Service Package. Our new "Promote My Company" package includes in-house design of your business' AboutUs page and personalized wiki coaching for a one time fee of $99. Many companies take the time to learn and design sophisticated AboutUs pages on their own, now you can also get professional design and training services to take it to the next level. Here are some examples of steps that we can work with you to improve your page.

3. Portal Sponsorship. Companies can (and are) now sponsoring topical portals that aggregate business listings and functionality like calendaring and maps for cities around the world and industry verticals. Our showcase Portal right now is the PortlandTech Portal - but there are more in the works and we'll soon launch a technology that will make sophisticated Portals easy for any anyone here to create for free. If you'd like to sponsor one of these fabulous Portals, you'll be glad you did.

Here's how we explain the relationship between individual articles and Portals:

In addition to heavy traffic from search, people also navigate through AboutUs by category - to discover and learn about web pages and companies that are related to each other. These categories of pages can be turned into full-featured portals, which can then be built upon further for events, sub-topics or other collections.

See for example the well-developed AboutUs page for Portland attorneys Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, which looks great as a part of the PortlandTech Portal - a collection of topical pages that also served as the foundation for the Venture Northwest 2007 event page where all the participants, including Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, can be found listed with links back to their detailed AboutUs pages. AboutUs is a great place to compile detailed company profiles around any topic - so it will benefit you to make sure your company profile page is as effective as it can be.

$99 is a great price for a company to put their best foot forward on this platform, both aesthetically and with assistance from AboutUs in relating to the world of wiki users who will be visiting their page. When you're ready to take it to the next level, consider sponsoring your industry or city's portal. It's a great way to add value to your community and win the admiration that comes with such a contribution.

Those are our new offerings! We hope you'll find something there that's useful for you and your organization. As always, please feel free to contact us any time if you've got any questions or feedback.

Sincerely, RayKing and WardCunningham

Inventor Asks for Your Contribution to Wikipedia

04 January 2008

AboutUs CTO, Ward Cunningham, authored several posts for the Wikipedia fundraising blog. This is one that didn't run, but is still good advice.

We buy a computer and we expect it to change the way we live. Sometimes we know exactly how that change will happen. But more often we make the purchase with only a vague notion that life will be better with the new machine. We expect something good and the machine delivers.

The computer industry exists because computers, the network, and the people who use them have delivered on a promise that we only vaguely understood as we paid the bills. Did we know there would be a Wikipedia? Probably not. Still, there it is. Enjoy.

Enjoy, but understand that we are not done paying. I ask you to give to Wikimedia because this investment is necessary and will be even more positively leveraged than your hardware purchase. Your machine sits before you ready to transform your contribution into good in ways that neither you nor I can fully predict. I say this with all the confidence I had when I chose to devote my life to computing. I remain excited by our possibilities. I hope you are too.

Ward Cunningham invented the Wiki style of collaboration in 1995. He has been a member of the Wikimedia Foundation Advisory Board since its founding. Ward's previous request, Contribute in honor of teachers. This post is a personal opinion, and does not represent an official statement from the Wikimedia Foundation or AboutUs, Inc.

Don't Role Your Eyes

21 December 2007

MarkDilley: Look Ted, this 1 million deaths per day on looks interesting.
TedErnst: What the heck is that?
MD: It sounds pretty cool, like a lot of people are using

swishes hand around in air

TE: Let's look at the AboutUs WikiPage.


TE: It's just a basic starter page.
MD: That doesn't matter. What are it's categories?
TE: They're all redlinks

telepaths to you, the reader, the page doesn't yet exist

MD: That doesn't matter.

clicks out all the categories to see if there's anything in them. click, click, click

MD: Ted, Category:Role-playing Games has 74 pages in it, Duels - 17, Dualist has 23, Duelling - 9, Dueling - 9 and Duals - has 14.
TE: Cool. Let's look at the RPG one and see if there's something interesting there.
MD: That's cool because I like Role Playing Games. And, look at Category:Role Playing Games. 296 pages!
TE: Sounds confusing.
MD: It's a folksonomy! It shows the inherent quality of AboutUs as the folksomony of the web.
TE: Rockin!

magically creates the page by typing text and saving

MD: Sweet!

checks the specific recent changes for those categories

MD: Cool, 4 people other than myself have edited pages in this category. Well, that's not quite the 1 million deaths per day is getting, but we can aspire.
TE: Mark, let's build one of those cool new news boxes you've been showing me.
MD: And it's more than that. Once we get it put together, it's a whole new Role Playing Games wiki!
TE: What do you mean?
MD: Let me show you.
RolePlayingGames badge.jpg

creates the news box and adds it to the two categories

TE: Great, what's next?
MD: You'll see!

writes three news items

TE: Wow, a whole new wiki!
MD: Yea, let's go duel

next turn

contributors: MarkDilley and TedErnst 20 December 2007

Apple & Rumors: Yin & Yang


Rumor has it that Apple is going to release a bunch of fixes to Leopard next week. This is fabulous, because most of the AboutUs office uses Mac. Thinking about writing this post, we went to the the AboutUs WikiPage for, and saw it wasn't that good. We then went to Google and found out AppleInsider was part of CNET's Blog 100, so we added that to the page and reformatted some and it looks a little better. Then we thought, "what other rumor blogs are out there?", and added Category:Apple Rumor Blogs to the page. Turns out, that category didn't exist, but we added it to a few other pages and now it does exist. The category isn't much yet, but since AboutUs is a wiki, others that know more about the subject can make the category better.

Good thing we started the category because today a legal battle that has raged on for a few years between Apple and the settled. ThinkSecret is shutting down, and even though they say it was amicable, the chilling effect is troubling.

Purge server cache

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