User talk:TheN2S

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Welcome to AboutUs

Hi there,

Did you know how easy it is to add your website to AboutUs? Just search for it in the find bar above (without http or www). If we don't already have it on the wiki, the bot will make your page on the spot! Next, you can start adding useful information to it by editing the article.

Template:Welcome to AboutUs Screencast

Check out some of the Spotlighted Articles we have created on AboutUs for ideas on how you too can spruce up your article and tell the world your story.

If you need help or have any questions, feel free to contact me on my talk page. I can also be found in the AboutUs live chat IRC channel.

--Sa'ad talkemailchat

Removing External Links

Hi, I noticed that you have added external links to a lot of pages on AboutUs. This is usually not considered constructive on AboutUs, so I'm removing these. But please feel free to add all these pages as related domains on the page itself. Let me know if there's anything I can help you with. Best, Ayesha | talk to me