User talk:Telefon Domina


Hello Telefon Domina... Welcome to AboutUs!

I noticed your edits to your PersonalPage - you may be interested to check out our recently-adopted AdultContentPolicy which is undergoing implementation as we speak.

I'm excited that you've chosen to explore the wonderful world of wiki here at - the place where everyone may collaborate to build the commons and community through their constructive edits and participation. Welcome! Be sure to let us/me know if you have any questions along the way - you can leave a message on my talk page via the "talk" link by my name (see How do I send a message to another user? and How do I improve my signature? to learn how). You may also join the AboutUs WebIRC to chat or ask a question. Below are some links that I have found useful...

Welcome to the AboutUs community - it's great to have you!
KristinaWeis | **talk** 16:44, 27 July 2007 (PDT)

External linking, especially to adult sites is seen as spam and contrary to the values of AboutUs. I would love to chat about this with you. KristinaWeis

Yes it`s a adult Page, on Company show her website so every post ist a spam

What is the URL or web site associated with Telefon Domina as you could have this page redirect there.