User talk:Nielsencl

User talk entry for 8/4/2009 WikiTip: Linking!

I just got an email from

WikiTip: Linking

A benefit of wiki is the ease of linking Check out our weblog post on the different types of linking you can add to the AboutUs wiki!

This email provides NOTHING of value and is clearly intended only to get me back here to the site. Because of this, the email has only your own interests in mind. I resent this type of marketing and I think others may as well. If you have something useful for use, just send it to us, don't make us do something more than open your email to get it.

Hello there, it looks like you're on the wiki tips email list. We send this out every two weeks (or less often) to people that subscribed for wiki tips in one of our previous newsletters. I'd be happy to remove you from the mailing list if you can email me your email address to (). The reason that we started sending out the wiki tips with a link back to our blog is so that more people can get the information as our "blog" link is prominently located at the top left on now and we only send the wiki tips email to a few dozen people. Best, Kristina (contact me)

Thanks, Chris P.S. If I am logged in, why do I have to fill out the CAPCHA???

The CAPTCHA comes up anytime that an editor is making an edit with an external link, and this is a measure to stop spam on Best, Kristina (contact me)
Hi Chris, I have removed you from the WikiTips email list. I want to understand what bugs you with the email that was sent out. Although I don't, even after your description above. Do you have time for a quick call? Best, MarkDilley

I'm taking a break from working on client stuff and don't really have time to make a call. I don't mean to stir everyone up, but after my last conversations with Mark I am interested in helping and I hope some honest feedback provides that. Of course, it could only be me, but I try to take a wider view when I comment (complain) on things.

I don't mind getting the email with news and TIPS. But don't waste my time with something that "requires" that I visit your site. Give me a real tip, like info on linking and I will either visit your site, or save that useful information for the next time I need it. :-) If your email does not have something useful, it will just get deleted... and if I get many like that, I will want to be removed from the list.

CAPCHAs are required these days, even if they are annoying. But if I am logged in and have to use them, then why am I logged in?

And it's not consistant. I edited the page and added my message and had to enter in a capcha. Then I edited the page again to add the "PS" and I didn't have to enter a capcha...?

If you need the capcha for logged in users, then you need it. But if you want to remove "friction" from your site, I think fixing small things like this will really help.

Thank you, Chris

Welcome to!

Hello, my name is Kristina and I'm excited that you've created your login to edit pages here at AboutUs.

AboutUs is a wiki-based guide to websites. I invite you to search for websites in the Find! bar above and share your knowledge by editing their domain pages. If you have a website of your own feel free to use its page here to help promote it, either by doing the editing yourself or having our team create a Deluxe AboutUs Article for you.

For more information watch this video or click the Need Help? or What is AboutUs? links at the top left. Let me know if you have any questions and have fun editing the wiki!

Best, Kristina Weis (contact me)
p.s. Check out our weblog.


Hi Chris, a very belated welcome to you. Would love to connect with you sometime about this site and your thoughts around it. Best, MarkDilley

Hi Mark

Thank you for your message. I didn't realize someone else had left me a message before.

I like About US and have been using it for some time now, but not on a regular basis. Sometimes I try to create or edit the listings for some of my 1,200 domains, but it takes time to make a nice page.

Now that you mention it, I do have some ideas for your site that you might be interested in hearing about. Shall we talk sometime? I was going to send you an email or a message, but I don't see how to do that here. I hope that you get a message that I have edited this page... :-)

Thank you, Chris

Hello again

Hi! I would love to show you how to contact others on the wiki - mostly it is through TalkPages - sometimes through internal email. And I would love to connect to hear about your ideas sometime soon. My info is directly here: and I look forward to meeting you Chris! Best, MarkDilley

RE:Hello again

Hi Mark, I have started a discussion here:

While I think Aboutus does offer a number of benefits that make it worthwile as it is, there is some concern that people will not/are not/ have not received traffic from their profiles. This is something we will have to work on that will increase the incentive for people to work on their profiles. If people are leave the site via paid ads, it doesn't matter to us how much traffic AboutUs gets if the profile owners don't also get some...! You may want to consider rotating the paid ads, with your own ads that target the content that lead to profiles on your site. Does that make sense? This idea may warrant another phone call... :-)

Thank you, Chris

Johnny come lately to this conversation

Hi Chris - I like the idea of rotating website profiles and have lobbied internally for a featured box on the page that highlighted pages with good content - that has yet taken wings - is that what you are thinking about? We did have featured websites on the front page for a few months, did that feel right as well? Also - a good practice is to answer on my talk page :-)

Wanted to say that tags are superseding the categories - which will go away at some point. Also - what do you think of the Online Visibility Audit? Sorry so much, but I am getting caught up... :-) Best, MarkDilley

Hi Mark,

Had a good talk with Raymond King about a week ago. Since them I have been adding my sites to like crazy. Once they are all in I will then go through them all to make sure they are corrEctT and to add content.

The OVA is ok, but it's something that is available on other sites and I would like to see you guys come up with things that are not offered elsewhere, or not done well.

Yes, you have so many resources with sites that random selections or rotating would be better. To me, it's stupid that you go to a site like Google and will mostly see the same results for your search. I know they do a little rotating, but I think it should be much more...