User talk:Jean Libby

Hello and Welcome toAboutUs and welcome to Wiki. Thank you for your contribution to the site, nice work. I made some edits to the category section of your wiki page feel free to edits these as you like- check our our InternalLinkingGuide for on how categories work. If you need any Help- or have any questions you can leave me a message just click the blue link. Also, be sure to check out our: 5 Great Reasons to Make a Personal Page

Best, Kasey | talk
Have a great day and have fun exploring wiki.

Editing Categories

Hi Jean,

Just got your note. Yes, you can edit your categories. In fact, category cleanup is one of the best things you can do. We're working on getting rid of the useless ones, (in fact, I was just getting ready to give a long note on how to clean up the categories on the page when I just noticed my co-worker cleaned them up.

Anyway, the category info is located at the bottom of the page in the "edit" mode. They will say things like [[Category:Andrea Nguyen]] or [[Category:Books]] you can edit them by either changing the category title to something more appropriate, or by just deleting them.

Hope this helps, let us know if you have any more problems.

TakKendrick | Talk