User talk:Denman3


Hello Denman3... Welcome to AboutUs!

I noticed your edits to the wiki DomainPage for and I'm excited that you've chosen to explore the wonderful world of wiki here at - the place where everyone may collaborate to build the commons and community through their constructive edits and participation. Welcome! Would you care to add a little bit about yourself on your personal page so the community can get to know you? (You can see mine as an example by clicking my name below.) Be sure to let us/me know if you have any questions along the way - you can leave a message on my talk page via the "talk" link by my name or join the AboutUs WebIRC to chat or ask a question. Below are some links that I have found useful...

Welcome to the AboutUs community - it's great to have you!
KristinaWeis | **talk** 16:33, 26 July 2007 (PDT)


Hi, would like to invite you to participate in some conference calls we are having. I think it would be great if you would like to participate :-) Best, MarkDilley

NewSkin Beta Preview

Hello Denny!

We've noticed your contributions and are glad to be on the AboutUs team with you! As an ActiveMember your energy and ideas determine our future direction. One way that ActiveMembers stay "in the loop" is to participate in the beta previews of large new changes to the site before they are generally released.

Today we're starting a limited beta preview of an earthy NewSkin intended to reflect the alive and growing AboutUs community. The NewSkin is designed to feel wholesome and connected with the real world. This choice was made to reassure the many folks who feel that the internet is a "scary place" where mean people hide behind fake identities and shout insults at each other. We hope that the NewSkin evokes our values in a way that helps visitors and members alike feel grounded in true community.

We'd love your help putting the NewSkin through its paces! To give it a whirl you'll need to be logged in. Once you are logged in, go to "my preferences" | "skin" and select "design". Don't forget to then click the "save" button! You can always go back to the current skin by selecting "aboutus" via the same steps.

Your feedback on the new look for aboutus will help ensure that it has a maximally positive impact when we roll it out. Thanks for being a valuable member of the community, we look forward to your feedback on the NewSkin page!

Warm Regards,
the DevelopmentTeam