- best film critic reviews on the internet.




This site is intended to be a fun place for all movie-goers to visit where they can read three film lover's opinions on all the new releases and browse comments and ratings on over 1500 classic films from the birth of cinema to the present day. You can access all of those reviews in our archive. With three diverse opinions, it should be easy for you to discern whether or not a film is for you. Maybe you'll choose a favorite. Hopefully, based on our opinion, you will be able to ascertain whether or not you should spend your hard earned dollars on the latest movie. We always welcome gratuitous praise or seething criticism, and you can write to any of us by clicking our photos below or any of the email links throughout the site. Be sure to visit all the other features this site has to offer by clicking in the navigation menu you'll see on the left of each page. Welcome to Independent Critics! --

A 33 year-old cineaste (synonym for a film snob), I was born in London, England, but have lived in various parts of the United States since 1987. I graduated from Oklahoma State University in 1997 with a degree in English, with a strong emphasis in Film, Poetry & Fiction Writing. I live in Minnesota where I am a full time Poker-Pro and lead film critic & content editor for Coming Soon Magazine. For me, the most important qualities a film can possess are: Originality, Focus, Passion, Heart, Intelligence & Wit... all framed by magnificent acting, sure- handed directing, gorgeous cinematography & a beautiful score or soundtrack. I am a big fan of French and Italian films, and I much prefer the independent film scene to the mind-numbing repetition of most Hollywood blockbusters. I prefer to believe that films should be more than just mere entertainment. Nothing but pure entertainment tends to bore the hell out of me... which seems to be paradoxical. To merit a recommendation, I have to care.. I have to be moved... I have to know why a film exists!

The words that describe me best would be activist, advocate, minister, writer and mentor. Along with my paid career as an Clinical Support Specialist for a youth mentoring agency in Indy, I am the founder of the Tenderness Tour, an Indianapolis non-profit agency devoted to preventing family violence. A lifelong paraplegic with spina bifida, I've traveled over 3,000 miles by wheelchair and donated over $100,000 for charities worldwide while also serving in ministry here in Indy. I am the author of two books, "Secret Heart" and "Imaginary Crimes", three produced plays and have won several poetry journal awards. A graduate of Martin University with a B.S. in Counseling Psychology, I began as a college critic at Indiana University where the Indiana College Press Association named me Best Critic. An avid supporter of the independent filmmaker, I continue to freelance throughout the Midwest in addition to my ongoing advocacy for children worldwide. I'm a proud member of the Golden Raspberry Foundation and make it a point to see each year's worst films.

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