Create 25 long tail category articles for Common Answers (Sept 1-15)

Our Work / Content / Tasks / Create 25 long tail category articles for Common Answers (Sept 1-15) (ChrisBabson, TakKendrick)

Projects:Categories as Common Answers
Common Answers

Why are we doing this?

  • Refine the content creation task.
  • To create organized human created content for category pages (which for the most part match common search terms)


This is the same exercise as last week (Create 60+ articles for CommonAnswers (August 16-31)), but this time we're working from a list of Categories Containing 10-100 Articles to build out more pages in less general areas and see how the process differs. Please refer back to last weeks task (linked above) for notes on the completed articles that may help in this round.

Keep in mind: it is more important that we learn from this exercise than it is to fill out any specific area of content. In this spirit, please pick five more terms from this Category List and build them out as you see fit. Pay particular attention to how long it takes you to pull together an article with these types of terms. Eventually, we'll need to adjust hours expended to cost less than the value of advertisements on a given page.

Since these topics are by definition more 'long tail' (NOTE:we're taking the # of articles in the category as an indication of this), our category information should include some sites that don't come up immediately in search engine results or on listings sites (although, just as was the case last time, you should use these resources as well to aid you in finding information).

Procedure (A Bit Different This Time!)

1) Check out all sites in category

  • See each and begin your article with these (this is our juicy long tail content!)

2) Google, Yahoo, MSN searches for relevant sites

  • This is the same article building process as in the last task - organize the content how you see it most useful, but let's all look at eachother's work and incorporate lessons from last time.

3) Redirects

  • Redirect all other spellings (to this location).

Category Term List

Blues Clues
Free Job Posting
Beer Tasting
4 Star Hotel
John Deer
Allied Health Professionals
Ball Candles
Action Series
Alkaline Battery
Christian Fiction
Gender Studies
Cartoon Dolls
Art Association
Website Hosting
Ad Network

If you like, find alternates at Categories_Containing_10-100_Articles and add them to this list. We'll have a longer one for the next round, so let's all try to stick to these for now.

Also, due to how specific some of these terms are, the articles might not be as long as last time. By the same token, this degree of specificity may merit a longer article (a specific medical ailment, for instance). Be true to your intuitions on what you would want as a user searching for this term.

When will it be done?

When we've built 25 perfect pages.


  • Whatever format we choose, it must encourage ongoing contribution from the community. This could be in the form of ranking, additional content, or collections of QuoteBacks.
  • We'd like to choose a methodology that allows us to grind through the long tail of categories we already have at a pretty good clip. (pace v. perfection)

Advantages of Category-linking

  • Rich internal linking would promote 'AboutUs' Search.
  • Linking to categories would encourage the 'visitor' for deeper details.Community contributions for categories would implant informative AboutUs Pages ,which would make AboutUs a unique site in the future.

Task Evaluation

  • Evaluator: ChrisBabson
  • How the task went: 20 articles worked on; 9 stated as finished. 70% of these are currently at 70% of where we want them to be, 20% are close to 90% done, and another 10% are about 50% done. Overall we made a good push to finish these and have arrived at a satisfactory conclusion. Much was learned in this process from different people's working/thinking styles: please see Refine Common Answers Strategy (Sept. 16-30) to collect notes on this initial work load, and Common Answers for overall notes on the project. In the future rounds, we want to get all articles up to 100% perfect (and we may revisit these later to do just that).
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