Free People Search and Public Information Search Engine


ZabaSearch - Free People Search Engine


ZABA is from the Greek word, "tzaba", which means, "free" or "at no cost" Privacy About Terms (c) ZABA Inc. echo date('Y');?> White Pages

ZabaSearch does not gather or generate information. ZabaSearch quickly accesses public information and displays what is available in the public domain. Many people assume ZabaSearch controls the information found in ZabaSearch results pages. However, ZabaSearch simply serves as a search engine in locating available public records and does not create the records found. Information typically makes it to the public domain via a wide variety of sources, including but not limited to: phone listings, court records, real property records, subscriptions etc. Sources vary state by state and region by region. Unlike ZabaSearch, there are many companies who do gather, generate, compile, house and sell public information, most of which are publicly traded. This practice is, and always has been, legal in the United States and is the basis for the 2 billion dollar U.S. information industry.

If you care to make the effort, there are steps that can be taken to better conceal information available about you in many public record databases. Many things can be done quickly and inexpensively, other methods can be more costly and time consuming.

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2828 Cochran St., Ste 397
Semi Valley CA 93065 US

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