

Indian Webmasters - Search Engine Marketing & Web development Forum for Webmasters in India.


Indian Webmasters is a community for webmasters in India. Various Indian Webmasters can join in our forum and discuss about Search Engine Marketing, Advertising, Search Engine Optimization etc. Indian Webmasters Community is a free community where any person can join and discuss various things about any Internet business. Your queries will be answered by one of the top successful webmasters in the industry. We at Indian Webmasters are trying our best to get almost all webmasters together at this forum, we are planning to have various competitions which will include best designer, best search engine optimizer, best website etc.

Additional Information

It has been seen that lot of Indians are not taking the Internet as a serious business. is started by a couple of webmasters who are in website business since 4 years now. There are lot of forums on the Internet which have discussions about Internet marketing, online business, search engine optimization etc. but none of these sites are specifically targeted to Indian audience. Most of the transactions in this business are through dollars which involves online services like PayPal, money booker etc. Our site will not only educate fellow Indians on how to deal with such transactions but will also help them on each and every aspect of Online business with websites. Lot of affiliate & money making programs are run for US publishers. We are creating a community, a group which will show advertisers a potential in Indian market. The information shared here will and should be specific to an Indian Webmaster. For. E.g We won't ask a webmaster to join a program which is not for an Indian. Thus, we want all the webmasters to come together, help others and get help with whatever queries you have regarding website marketing, advertising, SEO etc.

We also have this exiting feature for our members which will help them make money. If you have an account with Google Adsense, you can submit your publisher code in your profile with us and your ads will be displayed on Indian Webmasters. You get money when someone clicks on your Ads on our site.

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