
Revision as of 00:08, 29 August 2007 by Stephen Judkins (talk | contribs)


What (summary)

Users can have a portrait on their page. An "upload portrait" button is displayed on the users' page. A special portrait tag allows the user to put their portrait whereever they want on their profiles.

Why this is important

  1. Gives a more personalized look to the user's page and the interactions on the site.
  2. Is an important piece in the new skin that's being done for


  1. Users can use the portrait tag to put a portrait on their page
  2. Users can upload a portrait using a very simple form or button
  3. Users can change their portrait whenever they want to
  4. The portrait shows up where ever a portrait is appropriate

Steps required to complete

  1. Three sizes for each portrait:
  • Full-size (actual size)
  • 64px x 64px (for personal tool-bar area)
  • 32px x 32px (for future use in "like minded people")

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