Revision as of 08:48, 14 January 2008 by TedAErnst (talk | contribs) (RollTo good version by Obed Suhail)

Title - ESL/EFL Resources for Teachers of Young Learners


I intend to make a website that will be easy to navigate and so full of materials that teachers will need to come several times to look at it all. Teachers will be able to find versatile resources that will inspire and be worth their time and effort. All materials should have both reason and purpose. Every page should contain something teachers want to have in their arsenal. This website should be informative and to the point. And that's it!

My name is Mark Cox. I am American, raised in OK and attended university at UCONN. I will not astound you with a long list of teaching credentials because I only have a TEFL certificate, but am working on a MAAL. I hope and the materials within will be enough. (Remember, Ben Franklin only attended primary school for 2 years.) I currently work at my own private English conversation school, 3 mornings at a local JHS and elementary school, and I teach classes at Saku Nursing College. I also moonlight as a webmaster ;) but don't tell anyone.

I am/was a pharmacist and moved to Japan in 1999. I began teaching English and really enjoyed it. I started making web pages and flash intros for my personal web site (which would now be called a blog I guess.) In 2002, I started my own English conversation school in Nagano,Japan. That's when I designed my curriculum and began making my own materials. I made FLASH games and a second web site for my English school. Three years later I began to provide the materials I have made for other teachers to use. I'm married and have 3 children. My 5 year old son serves as the inspiration at times and as the fun inspector on most materials. I have a few other web sites you may be interested in and

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7820-3 Kyowa
Mochizuki, Nagano OK US


Mark Cox
+1 267532300



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