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Getting Found by Customers          RetweetIconSmall.png FacebookShareIcon2.png    GoogleBuzzIcon.png
By Ray King
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TV commercials, billboards, magazine ads and e-mail spam are all designed to interrupt our consumption of other content and steal our attention away. These forms of traditional marketing have provided excellent ROI for many years as the art of deciding where and when to place an ad has become a refined science.

With the advent of tons of information becoming available online and users being able to get to it anywhere and anytime, we are becoming less tolerant of being interrupted, given that we can easily search for information and get it. People promoting their products isn't a problem, in fact, we crave product information, but WHEN we want it. We generally don't like being interrupted (well, Superbowl ads aside).

Internet access everywhere and search allow us to get TO vendors, rather than have them come and interrupt us. So the promoter's challenge (your challenge if you are a marketer), is to put enough quality information out there so that you can be easily found by the right buyer at the right time.

Below are some great books on how to do just that and more importantly, how to get into the right mindset. It's easy, it's also a lot of work and it's also the future of marketing!

In her book, MarketingInTheAgeOfGoogle.com (domain name redirects to her main site NineByBlue.com), Vanessa Fox puts it in plain English, explaining the importance of search traffic and more importantly how to think about marketing ... in the age of Google.
{{{2}}} (visit) ~ Gary Vaynerchuk's enthusiastically explains the enormous opportunities made possible by the Social Media revolution.
{{{2}}} (visit) ~ Outbound marketing is what we did; Inbound marketing is what we need to do. Brian Halligan is also the founder of HubSpot.com and WebsiteGrader.com.
{{{2}}} (visit) ~ Tim Ferriss tells us how he took control and revamped his life by understanding Internet based product marketing and quickly and mercilessly figuring out what works and what doesn't.
GroundSwell, by Charlene Li ~ Crazy that she hasn't registered GroundSwellBook.com, so I did. And she can have it anytime. Understanding UGC, the types of contributors and how you can ride a groundswell of user action.
What Would Google Do? Jeff Jarvis. The Domain WhatWouldGoogleDo.com looks like a parked page that someone in London (other than Jeff) has -- that's a bummer, he should really have it. I found the first half of this book very insightful and well worth the read. The second half describes how a little Google-think could be employed in different industries and sectors and I found that a bit less inspired.

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