Revision as of 22:58, 2 June 2007 by (talk | contribs) (Related Domains)


Small Business and Home Business Ideas for Professional Women


Because I love being a Mother and deeply care about the relationships between Mothers and their children I was inspired to create this website.

When I had my first son, twelve years ago, our family had nearly no expenses and I was able to enjoy the luxury of completely and totally mothering my son. In the past three years I have given birth to two more sons! But - times have changed, as have our expenses! I knew in my heart that I wanted to continue to be a 'Stay at Home Mom' - and I began fervently searching for ways that I could produce an income from home.

My efforts were fruitful - and along the way I've met many very successful women who have incredible jewels of inspiration to share. So I offer you this site and hope that you find it resourceful. Make yourself at home - it will be shaped by the community it contains.




7 Hemlock Drive
Woodstock Valley CT 06282 US


L Redfield
+1 860 974 3884, Fax: +1 860 974 3884

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