Revision as of 15:46, 23 February 2007 by Mirjay (talk | contribs) (Title)



  • Rosacea Remedy | Intensive Home Treatment for Rosacea Sufferers


Excerpted from the website:

Rosacea Remedy™ - Intense Treatment Oil

The Natural Home Cure for Sufferers of Acne Rosacea:

Our rosacea remedy treatment oil contains the highest concentrate of pure Sea Buckthorn available on the market today.
What makes sea buckthorn oil so beneficial for serious skin conditions, is a rare combination of highly active palmitoleic and linolenic acids found in the berries & seeds, as well as an abundance of essential vitamins, minerals + high content of flavanoids - powerful anti-oxidants that boosts healthy cell regeneration and speeds up skins own healing metabolism . Sea buckthorn oil has also been proven to dramatically reduce or eradicate the large number of demodex mites associated with rosacea. Whether the reduction is caused through actually killing the demodex mite, or simply by improving the skins overall health beyond a level that presents the perfect breeding ground, has not yet been established and is still undergoing rigorous research.
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Additional Information

The website offers a range of skin care products for many sensitive skin disorders such as acne, eczema, extremely dry skin et. The main ingredient in their home remedies has a variety of benefits to attaining optimum skin health, including balancing oily skins own natural production of sebum, drying out pimples, regenerating healthy cell structure, treating sunburn, radiation burns, promting the healing of scar tissue and reducing swelling caused by undergoing laser therapy for the removal of thread veins, amongst other things.

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Community Reviews

Rosacea Remedy

Fabulous website packed with useful info for all Rosacea related problems!

Equally fabulous mail order service and the products are out of this world and what's more it has worked for me!

  • posted by Anonymous on Feb 20, 2007, 11:04 am

Intensive Treatment Oil - Rosacea Remedy

I ordered the intensive treatment oil from rosacea remedy approx 2 months ago, not expecting miracles as I've tried all sorts of different lotions and potions and prescriptions for my rosacea.

It arrived promptly and I started to use the treatment as directed on the website. It had to be left on overnight a few nights a week for severalweeks. I was thrilled to find vast improvements in the appearance in my skin after a week and a half. It has since continued to recover and become healthy enough for me to contemplate going for laser surgery to dispel my broken spider veins. I'm very pleased with the results. Although I know you can't cure rosacea, this has definitely enabled me to control it and feelso much morepositive for the future.

I must mention that the customer support was exactly that ! Very supportive and prompt in replying to my questions.

A well earned 5 Stars :)

  • posted by Anonymous on Feb 20, 2007, 11:10 pm

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