Category:Insurance Leads

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Insurance Leads

Insurance leads are consumers who are looking for or are interested in learning about a type of insurance coverage, often individual health, life, auto, homeowners, disability, long term care or other niche products. Insurance agents purchase their contact information with the intent of offering to sell them an insurance policy.

Insurance Lead Generation Insurance lead generation takes many forms — consumer data can be gathered via phone, mail, email and online advertising. Lead aggregators are companies that collect leads from different sources and then sell them to agents, usually on a bid system. Purchasing leads is often more cost-efficient for agents than generating them on their own. Aggregators absorb the bulk of the marketing expenses and all of the generation work, allowing agents to spend more time on tasks that directly impact their bottom line.

Internet Aggregators Internet lead providers use a mix of search engine marketing, email marketing and affiliate marketing to generate leads. Consumers respond to an online advertisement and submit their information using an online form. Often the online form is hosted on the lead aggregator’s consumer website.

The reported benefit of internet leads lies in the consumer being actively interested in insurance, submitting their information online, and then being transferred to agents as a real-time lead.

What Makes A Good Internet Lead? Not all internet lead companies hold high standards of quality, and agents should investigate whether their provider can promise the following before making a purchase:

Qualified leads Some companies incentivize leads by offering consumers free offers for vacations, iPods and other giveaways in exchange for their information. These leads are the lowest quality, because it is likely that the consumer is more interested in the giveaway than they are in getting an insurance quote or talking to you.

Real-time leads Just because a lead is generated on the internet does not mean that you will get it in real-time. Make sure your company is delivering leads to you when the interest is fresh. See if the company timestamps their leads so you always know when it was generated. Good return policy No internet lead company can deliver you 100% great leads. There will always be those people who go online and submit phony information. But a good company backs up their leads with a strong return policy, so you don’t end up paying for invalid leads.

Filtered leads Some companies let you qualify your leads even further by placing on additional filters. These filters pre-screen leads so you only get the profiles you want to work. Keep in mind the fewer filters you have on your leads, the higher the volume available to you.

Companies like have long been connecting online auto insurance shoppers to agents. In recent years, the number of consumers seeking health insurance quotes online has also grown. Many lead aggregators, such as, have stepped up to connect these online insurance leads with agents. ProspectZone is a provider of interested, real-time leads for agents, agencies and the nation’s top carriers.

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