Revision as of 17:06, 8 September 2006 by (talk) (Bad Business Practices)

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i can only think of one reason why not / order deadline is june 19th / zbq / /

Additional Information

Zero Boutique has been going down the tubes in terms of its business practice and customer service for the past few months. Many people have been waiting upwards of 5 months for orders and or refunds to arrive."Zero" as he calls himself only seems to check his email once every two weeks or so, and has even admitted on the Zero Boutique homepage multiple times that he hasn't a clue what he's doing and that a great many of his customers are grossly unhappy.

the owner is somewhat fortunate that filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau's equivalent in Nova Scotia is very difficult. Old address informtion available via is no longer valid, nor is the contact phone number.

For full details concerning the shoddiness of the store, refer to the home page; he publically admits that his company blows chunks almost every time he posts news.

Until the store's act gets cleaned up, most anyone's advice would be to stay the hell away from it.

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