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The Society of the Little Flower

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The Society of the Little Flower is the largest organization in the world devoted to celebrating the life and works of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Founded in 1923, over 500,000 active members share in the spirit of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, the Carmelite Nun and Doctor of the Church. Her message is a timeless one, proclaiming God’s love to the modern world.

Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus

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Thérèse loved flowers, and saw herself as the "little flower of Jesus." She felt that she was just like the simple wild flowers of the forests and fields, overlooked by most, but growing and giving glory to God. Having a childlike trust in God's love, Thérèse viewed herself as simple and hidden, but blooming where God had planted her. She believed in doing the ordinary things in life with extraordinary love, and this became known as her "Little Way." She prayed from her heart, like a child speaking to a parent, and her life was devoted to the unselfish love of God and others.:

Sometimes, when I read spiritual treatises, in which perfection is shown with a thousand obstacles in the way and a host of illusions round about it, my poor little mind soon grows weary, I close the learned book, which leaves my head splitting and my heart parched, and I take the Holy Scriptures. Then all seems luminous, a single word opens up infinite horizons to my soul, perfection seems easy; I see that it is enough to realize one's nothingness, and give oneself wholly, like a child, into the arms of the good God. Leaving to great souls, great minds, the fine books I cannot understand, I rejoice to be little because 'only children, and those who are like them, will be admitted to the heavenly banquet'.St. Thérèse

The Society of the Little Flower offers to visitors of the website the words of St. Thérèse, as well as reflections on her life. You can also find additional information about the Society of the Little Flower; Mass Cards, Novenas, Religious Gifts, and information about offerings and planned giving are also available.

Activities of the Society of the Little Flower

A community of faith and prayer, friends of the Society of the Little Flower join in novenas of Masses honoring St. Thérèse, and asking her intercession. Aiding Carmelite seminarians is the principal charitable work of the Society, touching so many lives with God’s love. Hundreds of young men are enabled to become priests because of the generosity of the friends of the Society of the Little Flower.

Community Efforts of the Carmelites

The Carmelites are a religious order of Roman Catholic Priests and Brothers, who follow an 800 year-old tradition of spirituality. Working in 26 nations, their ministry is expanding, especially among the poor, and in third-world underdeveloped countries. Through donations, the work of the Carmelites can continue in many areas. This includes the education of future Priests and Brothers in seminaries currently located in Washington, D.C.; Houston, Texas; Terreon, Mexico; and Lima, Peru. Serving the poor in parishes and ministries, the Carmelites also provide retreat houses to encourage spiritual growth. Another important part of their ministry is caring for the elderly (within the Carmelite community) with respect and dignity. Having taken vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, they have no pension plans, 401(k)'s, stock options, or family inheritance provisions. Donations will ensure their continued compassionate care. Through your prayers, sacrificial giving, and generous offerings, the Carmelites are able to fulfill the missionary dream of St. Therese, which was to make God's love known to the ends of the earth.

How to Donate to Society of the Little Flower

The Society of the Little Flower is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, and is the major fund raising organization for the Carmelites. Your contributions enable the them to continue the mission of St. Thérèse throughout the world. You can make your donation to the Society of the Little Flower by clicking here or learn more about how to contribute here.

Contacting Society of the Little Flower

Should you have any questions or need more info about Carmalites and the Society of the Little Flower, you can contact them directly through email or by phone, using the contact information below. In the United States, Society of the Little Flower can be reached by email at , or by calling them Toll Free at (800) 621-2806. In Canada, the number is (800) 922-7622. In the United Kingdom, they can be contacted by email at , or by phone at 01403 274242.


Society of the Little Flower
Darien, IL 60561
United States

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