Revision as of 20:18, 3 April 2008 by (talk) (Website Features)


Find cottage for rent, cottage owners -advertise your property free,compare prices read reviews.


Looking for cottage cabin rent,cottage owners add/register your property for rent to our database with unique method of cottage search by multiple criteria.

Website Features website is designed to connect cottage renters with cottage owners in the most efficient way.

[] is featuring colorful calendar, full google map integration, bright pictures and user-friendly design.

We also implemented smart search engine which uses multiple search options to find the most suitable cottage based on renters' needs.

This website is exclusively developed in Ontario, hosted in Ontario and designed for ontarians who own a cottage or want to rent a cottage.

Additional Information

Mission of

Our mission is to help cottage renters to find dream cottage for their special trip. From the other side, we want to help cottage owners to get fair exposure on the internet for very reasonable fee. In a long run we want to become a leader in Ontario's cottage rental services. We believe that cottage rent in Ontario has a lot of uncovered potential. New information technologies along with great customer service are the key for unleashing this potential.

Who created this website?

We are team of professionals with wealth of experience in IT, internet and travel businesses. We are passionate about Ontario nature and cottage living, therefore we spent a lot of time and hard work in crafting this website. The design is done by professional artist Anastasia Krachkovskaya. You can reach her via e-mail:

Unique search system created by Maksym Petrenko
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by Vladimir Pozdeev

External Links

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