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Latinoamérica Música


Max Nyffeler
Germany 80796
+49 177 5208851


The Online Magazine Latinoamérica Música arises from a private initiative, and has no commercial aims. It publishes texts about music and musical life in Latin America, with an emphasis on the art music of the 20th and 21st centuries.

As a rule, the contributions are published in the original languages (mainly Spanish or Portuguese), and in translations if these are available. In most cases these are re-publications, and the date and place of the first publication are noted at the end of the article. Only the author is responsible for the contents of a contribution.


All texts are protected by copyright, and may only be downloaded and printed off for personal use. In particular, they may not be reprinted, copied or distributed on the internet or other electronic media without the permission of the authors and editors.

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