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The Occidental Quarterly


Kevin Lamb is the editor of Race, Genetics and Society: Glayde Whitney on the Scientific and Social Policy Implications of Racial Differences (2002). His articles have appeared in National Review, Chronicles, The Asian Wall Street Journal, Society, Mankind Quarterly, Conservative Review, and The Journal of Social, Political & Economic Studies. He is a frequent contributor to The Social Contract and Right Now! Mr. Lamb is a former managing editor of Human Events (2002-2005) and former library assistant for Newsweek's Washington bureau (1989-2002).

Wayne Lutton Ph.D. (history) has been writing on national security, military history, and immigration-related issues for over thirty years. Currently editor of The Social Contract, he has been a college professor of history and government at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, served as research director for a foundation, and worked as a policy analyst in Washington, D.C. He has testified before Congress and the Colorado legislature on public policy aspects of managing HIV/AIDS.

Dr. Lutton has authored, co-authored, or contributed to 19 books, including The Immigration Time Bomb, The Immigration Invasion, Immigration and the American Identity, and The Real American Dilemma. Articles by Dr. Lutton are included in eight college-level textbooks. Over the years he has written hundreds of articles and reviews which have appeared in Chronicles, Human Events, National Review, Strategic Review, The Occidental Quarterly, and other journals of scholarship and opinion.

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