is a B2B Chinese Market Place

TradeKey China - B2B Leads for China is an online business to business marketplace with information in Chinese language to help Chinese importers and exporters trade globally in their own language.

About China TradeKey is one of the fastest growing online business to business portals in the world with complete information in Chinese language to facilitate buying and selling in China. Chinese suppliers can take advantage of TradeKey’s huge database of buyers and promote their products conveniently. TradeKey brings buyers from all around the world to the doorsteps of Chinese suppliers. Buyers don’t have to visit China anymore because they can use TradeKey marketplace to find Chinese Suppliers. Hence, helps buyers and sellers save tons of money on travel and find new trade partners from their computer.

Millions of traders use to meet their sales targets. However, most of the suppliers on TradeKey are from China. TradeKey aims to meet international standards in terms of quality and security and, thus, TradeKey became the first ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certified online B2B portal in the world.

Multiple Languages can be viewed in several different languages. Chinese is not the only language on because TradeKey understands that in order to facilitate global trade and attract traders from all around the world, it should provide services in several different languages. Thus, other than Chinese suppliers browsing in Chinese language, the website can be viewed in English and several other languages as well.

China Community Forum

TradeKey China understands the importance of communication and, thus, provides a platform for Chinese traders to carry out healthy discussions. Not only this, buyers from around the world can also visit the Chinese section on TradeKey community and ask questions related to China, exports, imports, products, industries, etc.

China Product Search

Language barriers can affect global trade tremendously. Hence, TradeKey China provides a platform where products can be searched even while browsing the Chinese portal. This is especially useful for buyers in China.

Chinese Success Stories

To help traders understand the importance of TradeKey marketplace and how can take your business to the next level, TradeKey China mentions the Success Stories of its member on the website. Success Stories on TradeKey will help you better analyze the power of


12010000, Fax: 12013003

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