In business since 2005, Caswell Australia is an agent for Caswell Inc of the USA, who have been in business since 1991. Caswell supplies a complete range of plating kits including chrome, gold, nickel, copper, brass and many more. Caswell also sells aluminum anodizing kits, powder coating systems, metal polishing and buffing supplies and accessories. We offer free, web-based and phone based technical support on all our products and are proud to be the premier hobby plating site on the Internet.

Using simple instructions, classic formulas and basic equipment, we've turned home based electroplating of small items into a possibility. All of our plating products use the same professional quality chemicals and additives as commercial plating shops, so you can be sure of excellent results.

We don't stop at plating kits. We carry a full range of buffing wheels, compound, machines and kits. We also carry powder coating kits, lacquers, waxes, polishes, lubricants, sand blasting supplies, refining kits, soldering supplies, antiquing and bronzing solutions, epoxy repair materials and much, much more.

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