Association of Internet Research Specialists


Global Community of Internet Research Specialists

Primary Objectives

The Association works primarily for the benefits of its Members and promotes the professional "Online Research" as a full-time occupation; as such, the Association provides formal education, training and credentializing system, backed by industry professional and experts.

Association of Internet Research Specialists is the world’s leading online research learning platform. The Association is formed by the knowledge professionals with a strong realization that digitized information growth is huge and evolving continuously, and, its accurate retrieval from Internet archives is becoming a challenging task. Today, most of the research is done on the Internet, but, finding the relevant and reliable information from among billions of records requires specialized skill.

An Internet Research Specialist is defined by us as “A practitioner of using Internet accessed information, free or paid, subscribed or not, that is available through browsing of the World Wide Web and the ability of using the information in a timely and meaningful way to reach research objectives.”

Becoming a “Certified Internet Research Specialist

Ironically, while the Internet Research (or web search) work has been going on for many years, an “Internet Research Specialist” (also Web Researcher, Online Researcher) is considered a fairly new occupation that has to make its way into formal job description today. Because of its newness, there is no other structured curriculum known to us that focus on educating and training Internet research professional. The Association has created the very first and only formal education program and certification “Certified Internet Research Specialist”.

Certified Internet Research Specialist (CIRS) Training Guide 4th Edition

The First of its kind - A Gold Standard Certification for Practitioners of Online Research.

Advanced Research Training Guide


Most suitable as a Practical Guide or Reference for mastering the art of Online Research by anyone that uses the Internet as a primary tool for information gathering - Learning topics in this book will serve to assist you in applying the practical approach in building complex search queries, research methods and using search tools. Even if you are someone that is starting a career involving extensive online research with a very little technical background, you will find that the book will start you with the basic concepts and gradually take you to the expert levels fairly quickly.

Becoming an Association Member

Associate Member


Your becoming a an Association Member signifies that you are dedicated towards your profession as an online researcher. It shows that you are interested in upgrading your professional development and like to learn more about the industry. Your membership also highlights this dedication to potential employers, clients, and others, giving you an edge in the professional's market. It also provides you access to education and certification discounts, and access to valuable Internet research related "knowledge database" and other educational resources.

Webinar Global Training Program

Web Search Training Live Webinars


Learn more about us

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