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A free resource for entrepreneurs worldwide is the largest and fastest growing interactive social networking forum for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners.

The site aims to help entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs by providing free resources and references. For example, there are a couple of sections on Personnel Management and Financial Management, and another section providing drafts of Legal Forms and Documents. The information the site provides would ordinarily come at a premium, and most new businesses would simply try to do without.

By offering such great resources free of cost, Young Entrepreneur helps save money and worry, and also provides an additional service that is invaluable: it allows you to network with other entrepreneurs (both young and older, successful and up-and-coming), to learn from their experience, and benefit from their advice. Whether you're just starting out on your entrepreneurial career, or have been walking down the entrepreneurial path for a while, you will find Young Entrepreneur is a great addition to your entrepreneurial toolbox.

The site currently has over 45,000 registered members and is the fastest growing, as well as one of the largest, online forums for entrepreneurs on the web. Registration on the site is unconditionally free and it takes just minutes to sign up. The forum section of the site is the ultimate tool for new entrepreneurs since it's full of important mission-critical information. It has been broken up into several smaller sections to make it easy for users to find relevant information important to their own personal situations. In the Lounge, users can share stories with fellow like-minded entrepreneurs and bounce information off each other. In the General Business section, users can network, make friends and discuss general business thoughts and ideas. In the Internet section, users can get advice and assistance for the online portion of their business. In the Business Start Up Phase section, users will find information that covers the planning of a business from the concept to the finished business plan. In the Ask a Business Question section, users can ask business related questions and members of a panel of experts will try to assist them with the answers.

Entrepreneur University

The site also runs a blog full of interesting articles and useful information. One of the best and most informative sections of the blog for users to check out is Entrepreneur University. Here famous and successful entrepreneurs share with readers stories and lessons learned. Covering a wide variety of topics such as networking tips, Internet sales, and securing repeat clientèle, Entrepreneur University is an unparalleled instrument of success for the entire Entrepreneur community, regardless of experience. In addition to this main blog, there is also a blog section open to all registered members to post their questions, experiences and advice.

Resources for Business Professionals

Along with all the useful stories and information users can find on the site, there are some sections with very valuable information all new business professionals need. One of the most important is the legal forms and documents section. This section compiles a list of over 36,000 legal documents; these documents are not generic forms but rather have been drafted to comply with state laws. Most of the forms are available for download in Microsoft Word format and cover topics ranging from applications to lease agreements to powers of attorney.

Another great resource is the articles section. Here you'll find guides on everything from starting a business or buying a business, to managing personnel and managing finances.




3120 W. Carefree Hwy, Suite 1-128
Phoenix, AZ 85086

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