
My name is Bret and just like you I love playing games on my Xbox 360 when I have free time. Whether it is between classes or in my off-time from work I can always be found glued in-front of my TV playing some kind of games. That day my console broke I almost lost my head - but decided not jump kick my console but instead to find the quickest and cheapest Xbox 3 red lights fix. I decided to make this site so everyone who has encountered the Red Ring of Death or any other Xbox 360 system error would have somewhere to turn to in your time of need. I just couldn’t get over the fact that Microsoft seems to be making a lot of money off of broken Xbox’s that should fit well within the warranty. Just seemed like there had to be a better, cheaper way! I’m a student working a full-time job so money spent is very important to me. Right now I am studying in the accounting field and it’s tough! I need my stress relief through gaming - it’s just the best way to chill.

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