

Crossword Compiler: Crossword Puzzle Maker Software


About Us

Crossword Compiler has been the world's leading crossword making software since 1993. The developer Antony Lewis runs the business, though most sales are handled by the companies ShareIt and SWREG. We have a wide global user base encompassing teachers, web publishers, professional constructors and enthusiasts. The solving applet is used by many web sites all over the world, from Portuguese crosswords on web portals in Brazil, to The Times and Independent newspaper sites in the UK, to crosswords for teaching English in Korea. Crossword Compiler is used by most of the professional crossword constructors in the USA, and the file format is widely recognised for crossword submissions. Many schools, universities and training institutions recognise the advantages of the program for creating fun educational puzzles.

In addition to Crossword Compiler we also sell and distribute WordWeb, a thesaurus and dictionary program, and WordWeb Developer, a product for software developers. We also undertake customized crossword related projects, for example The Times interactive crossword runs using a customized version of the Crossword Compiler solving applet.

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