WikiWiki Bus

OurWork (??) RCC2008 / WikiWiki Bus (??)

People working on this


Get 100+ Portland collaboration enthusiasts and community organizers on WikiWiki Buses down to and back from the March 2008 RecentChangesCamp in San Francisco.

How does this build community?

This obviously builds the wider wiki community. Doing that is central to AboutUs's existence. Because many people on the buses will be unfamiliar with AboutUs, this also gives great opportunty for them to learn more and get involved.

Done When

  • We have two coaches reserved, with down payment.
  • We have an invitation for the bus that meshes with the invitation for the event.
  • We have a way to collect money for reservations.
  • We have down outreach to let people know about RCC2008 and the bus.
  • Lodging is arranged in San Francisco that makes sense in the spirit of this pilgrimage.

Useful Links


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