
'' | the fine art of record covers and sleeves


'' | the fine art of record covers and sleeves



Additional Information

To preserve the fine art of covers and sleeves from fading into oblivion, is the aim of ''. In times of tiny compact discs it is hard to behold the artwork because of their size. So I decided to bring some of my favorite records to you, hoping you will enjoy the sight as much as I do.

I started collecting records at the end of the sixties and continued through to the early eighties. My collection contains off chart recordings mainly and with the years passing by it grew up to a quite big number of items. It is not my intention to present collectors items only, more to put extraordinary covers and sleeves on a show. This must be more or less subjective, I know, but why not being subjective in this case? Nobody will get hurt by doing it this way. This side will be updated regularly, so peek-a-boo frequently, there are a lot more recordings to be exhibited.

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