
Packers and Movers, Movers and Packers, Cargo Movers, Transport Companies, Transporters, Relocation India, Volvo Luxury Buses on Rent, Freight Forwarders, Container Movers, Shipping Companies in India, Car Carriers, Car Transportation


The India's Leading user friendly Directory for Packers Movers, Transport Companies. Container Handlers, Transport Contractors, Shipping Companies, Break Bulk, Air Cargos and many more. Complete transport Solutions.

About TRANSPORTMART.COM: is an independent neutral marketplace, provide the global solutions for Packers Movers, Container Handlers & Logistics industry and its clients with new opportunities to simplify, improve, and make more efficient the process of handling, purchasing, marketing, selling, and booking of moving & logistics services. This will be an Internet service creating a global community and marketplace for all companies in the transportation industry as well as companies that purchase transportation services. This will Optimize existing business and discover new opportunities. As stated by company spokesman "Whether you are a Transport Service Provider or a Shipper or Packers Movers or Container Handler, will help you to optimize existing business, find new clients and suppliers, create new business opportunities, communicate more efficiently and receive up to date rates and service information.

» Listing of Transport Companies in India.

Ultimate Objective: through its neutral Exchange will support global end-to-end delivery with auction, logistics and Tender Information, insurance, payment, track & trace, and full integration into users' back end systems. INDIA Transport exchange has already garnered broad industry support for this neutral market place in its initial phase. The complete system is expected to be ready in the first half of 2005. As stressed company that the sole objective of this site is to eliminate the prevailing brokerage system and cut down long tendering/ordering process time.

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