
The Shapoopie-The ultimate Pooper Scooper - As seen on TV's American Inventor


Excerpted from the website:

Early in 2004, my wife Karen enlightened me with, "We're getting a dog". I didn't want a dog, but the next thing I knew I was handed a leash and told that it was my job to walk the dog. I now had PIPPIN, a pure bred West Highland Terrier, at the end of the leash, and we took our first walk together. Suddenly he stops and does what all dogs must and I had the dubious honor of picking up his poop. My bad back wasn't liking the way I had to squat down and pick up the mess with a plastic bag. I thought, "There has GOT to be an easier way!" I searched several pet stores, looked on line and through catalogs but couldn't find anything for the task. "After the fact" products were all I could find, but what I wanted was a "preemptive", catch-it-in-the-act product.
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