
the yoga loft


Every part of you has a secret language. Your hands and feet say what you've done. And every need brings in what is needed. Pain bears its cure like a child. Having nothing produces provisions. Ask a difficult question. And the marvelous answer appears. - Rumi

The Yoga Loft was founded in 2002 by Jane Dobson and Meg Whitbread with an intention to create a spiritually aware and socially active environment centering around one of the most ancient practices available to the modern world, Yoga. By offering a variety of Yoga and movement classes, we hope to create a space for practice that embodies integrity, mindfulness, and community spirit. As we see it, the practice of yoga challenges individuals to lend attention to the continual dialogue existing between body and mind, thought and feeling, awareness and action. Thus, in a world that continues to draw us out of our bodies and toward the external, the practice of yoga works to integrate and align the demands of daily modern life with the quiet truth of who and what we really are.

At The Yoga Loft, we believe that it is the connection to ourselves, to each other, and to our local and global communities that enables humanity to move towards the greater awareness that can inspire a spiritually-based social activism. In offering a space for daily yoga with teachers from a variety of traditions, we strive to honor the roots and origins of the practice while at the same time building a meaningful framework for doing this practice today.

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