
Welcome to the Vegetarian Cooking School - online!


Excerpted from the website:

Learn how to cook vegan at home and save thousands of dollars by not relocating to a school across the country. Save thousands of dollars, because you can continue working. Save thousands of dollars in doctors bills and hospital bills by living a healthful lifestyle you can manage in your own home.

This online vegetarian cooking school uses videos and pdf lessons to teach you how to cook delicious, healthy vegan foods each month. The video includes a demonstration of the lesson, tips for cooking techniques, vegan health information, and more.

Students receive all the recipes they need and plus more. In fact, you not only get hundreds of vegan recipes to use in your own cooking, which are an invaluable resource, but by the end of the last lesson you will learn how to cook vegan without recipes. Students also receive monthly assignments they must completeFilmed at 3ABN, she is comfortable behind or in front of a camera so you are sure to enjoy the video tutorials.

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