is share an epic information about vacation to Indonesia

Well, for travelers who want to travel, does not hurt to look for information on the site corners of the archipelago. This site gives details about the various tourist attractions in Indonesia along with tips and location of the place. Reviewed by a neutral and rich in information making it easy to understand by tourists.

Preparing an article on the corner of the archipelago’s 33 provinces as its category. Every article has always published details of the location of tourist attractions along with a map (Google Maps), useful for travelers who have never visited these sights. Supporting facilities were also receiving attention from writers such as place of lodging, dining, places to get souvenirs (souvenirs).

One interesting article is about several attractions for diving (Pantar strait) that he said one of the best in the world. There is more about the attractions that supposedly result from a story or a legend such as Prambanan, Parangtritis and so on. Travelers can also see some photos of the support provided.

Hand corner of the site admin archipelago is also open to a person / organization wishing to be reviewed to promote the resort. The trick is to submit articles and photos to supporters and will be processed no later than 2x24jam. The article certainly is not allowed redistributed and is informative.

For tourists who are interested to visit this tourist spot, angle of the archipelago also has cooperated with the agency selling airline tickets Simply make it easier for tourists, so no need to look elsewhere for a tour.

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