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When the body isn't producing enough Mucin, which is a protective layer that coats the digestive system, then the gastric acid in the stomach hurts.

A healthy Mucin lining STOPS gastric acid from causing pain or discomfort. Vitamin U stimulates the production of Mucin.

Stomacin-U is made from raw cabbage, which is a natural and powerful source of Vitamin U.

Additional Information

Vitamin U is listed in the Merck Index as methylmetioninesulfonium chloride, a therapeutic agent for the treatment of gastric disorders. It was originally called vitamin U because of its usefulness against ulceration of the digestive system. stimulates the formation of various categories of RNA and causes a quantitative increase in the RNA temperature function.

S-methyl methionine was found to increase activity of Saddens, selectively methylating the released homocysteine. This decrease the inhibition of S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine and stimulated methylation process.

The traditional use of raw cabbage juice as the treatment of choice for peptic ulcers would seem to support the use of vitamin U supplements as a healing aid for damaged and eroded intestinal mucous, and this has been extensively confirmed by scientific research.

Anti-Ulkus Factor MMSC - 2DH Sublingual Preparations

Chemical Formula:

Dimethylsulfonium chloride, a methionine derivative (3-amino-3-cerboxipropyl): Methylmethioninesulfonium chloride, MMSC.

Vitamin-U (S-Methyl-Methionine) anti-ulkus factor protects the gastro-esophageal system, relieves painful heartburn helping the body counteract the effects of GERD. Other properties of Vitamin-U include acting as a local anesthetic, reducing spasms, healing gastric ulcers, and strengthening capillaries.

Vitamin-U sublingual delivery system allows the active ingredient (S-Methyl-Methionine) to be absorbed into the system via the network of blood vessels under the tongue, having a much quicker absorption than medications that have to be swallowed and absorbed through the digestive tract.

In one study, 55 patients were treated with vitamin U, eleven suffered from gastric, forty-two from duodenal and 2 from jejuna ulcers. All but 3 patients were symptomatically relieved in 2 to 5 days. Of the 3 who were not relieved, surgery was required for the chronic type of penetrating ulcer in two instances. The healing time of the craters varied between 8 and 23 days with an average of 11.5 days (Cheney, G. Calif, Med. 77 (4): 248-252. 1952).

Effective against: Stomach Pain, Bloated Stomach, Gastric and Intestinal Disorders, Ulcers, Indigestion, Acid Reflux, Heartburn, GERD and controls H.Pylori.

VITAMIN U 2x Sublingual preparation: spray dispenser of 1oz (30ml) containing extract of Cabbage (S-Methyl-Methionine).


Every morning spray 6 times under the tongue on an empty stomach. Or as recommended by your Physician or Therapist.

The Merck Index:

An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, And Biologicals.

Vitamin U (S)-(3-Amino-3Carboxypropyl)-Dimethyl Sulfonium Chloride; methylmetioninesulfonium chloride. MMSC;Cabagin-U: Epadyn-U. C6H14-ClNO3S; mol wt 199.70 C 36.09%, Cl 17.75%, N 7.01%, O 16.02%, S 16.06%. The anti-ulcer vitamin reported in cabbage leaves and other green vegetables; G. Cheney, California Med. 77, 248 (1952). Activity: V. Z. Szabo, G. Vargho, Arsheimissel Forsch. 10, 23 (1960) K. Seri, et al., ibid 29, 1517 (1979). Prepn: Y. Kanai, Y. Kawamura, Japan, pal 4757 (62) (to Nippon Kayaku) C.A. 58, 12672e (1963); H Wagner, Ger. Pat 1,239,697 (1967 to Degussa) C.A. 67 73866c (1967)

Needles, mp 134 (dec) LD50 in mice: 2760 mg/kg, I. V. Zaikonnikova, L.G Urazaeva, C.A. 80 10388y (1974).

Bromide analog C6H14 BrNO3S, methylmethioninesulfonium bromide

Therap. Cat: Treatment of Gastric Disorders.

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