


Astrology by Carol Bellis
United States 02563


Ever since I can remember I have been fascinated with all that is both mysterious and symbolic. During childhood one of my favorite pastimes was staring at the evening sky counting stars and straining to see the planets. I was particularly entranced by the illumination of a full moon on a clear, starry night. I would run to grab the binoculars and I remember the feeling of reverence I had at such a young age at what I saw. In retrospect, I was a latent Astrologer yet to emerge!

Many years later and all grown up, I was experiencing a very turbulent time in my life. I decided to consult a professional Astrologer on a whim not really knowing what to expect other than gaining insight into my predicaments. That fateful meeting propelled me into a passionate, metaphysical journey which continues to evolve and will never end! I was totally shocked that a piece of paper with little symbols on it could describe my life developments so clearly and eloquently. It was also a profoundly healing experience for me to see a guiding purpose illuminated in my birth chart. I was destined to be a seeker.

Learning astrology also helped me to clarify many metaphysical questions I have pondered over the years. For example, I have experienced precognitive dreams since I was a young child. I would dream of people I had yet to meet and events that were yet to manifest. I dreamed of my son years before he was born. I have met certain people for the first time and instantaneously recognized them and knew them...from my dreams! In regards to astrology, in 1996 I had a powerful dream where a voice told me I was to enter an ancient mystery school where I would study and then share my knowledge with others. I kept a dream journal at this time and remembered to write this dream down. Two years later I realized that the name of the course I began taking in early 1998 was called "The Astrological School of Initiation". I have since learned to have great respect for dreams and often incorporate dream imagery into my astrological practice. I believe we have access to our angels and guides in the dream state and all we have to do is ask and have faith!

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