
Online portfolio of Julia Nema fine artist and designer, and Akos Czigany copywriter, creative consultant and photographer.


Excerpted from the website description:

Online portfolio of nema art design and spavia photographia. We create silicate - ceramic, porcelain and glass - artworks, develop design products, extending artistic pursuits to painting, photograms and photography. We also provide creative communications services, including copywriting, interactive concepts, contexts and content. Nema art design ��s spavia photographia online portfoli��ja. Szilik��t - ker��mia, porcel��n ��s ��veg - m��alkot��sok k��sz��t��s��vel, formatervezett term��kek fejleszt��s��vel, fest��szettel, fotogrammal ��s fot��z��ssal foglalkozunk. Emellett kreat��v kommunik��ci��s szolg��ltat��sokat ny��jtunk: rekl��msz��veg��r��st, interakt��v ��tleteket, kontextusokat ��s tartalmakat.


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