
Foot care | podiatric specialists | Ohio foot and ankle specialists | Southwest Foot & Ankle


Pyron Technologies, Inc.
Missoula MT
US 59802


The human foot is a complex structure with 26 bones, 33 joints, 107 ligaments, and 19 muscles and tendons. Our podiatric physicians and surgeons have extensive training and experience in the treatment of foot and ankle problems from the most minor to the most severe and complex. Many foot problems that occur in diabetic patients can be avoided with proper education and preventative care. We take pride in providing state of the art comprehensive foot and ankle care.

After performing a history, physical examination, and using diagnostic tests the doctor can recommend the appropriate treatment to meet each patients needs.

Many problems may resolve with the use of medications, pads, arch supports/orthotics, exercises, physical therapy, casts, special shoes or bracing. Many other problems will respond to minor surgical procedures often with short recovery periods. If needed, our specialists have the training and experience to perform complex surgical reconstruction and repair. We use the latest techniques including arthroscopy, endoscopy, laser, and other methods when indicated.

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