
Center for Soul Evolution


Center for Soul Evolution
Mt. Shasta CA
United States 96067


Shortly after they met in 1994, they each found this out independently, through their guidance. It is very rare for twin flames to be embodied on the planet at the same time and to get together in intimate relationship (and stay together). Often it doesn’t happen until both are in their last incarnation, if then. It is the most intense relationship there is, and the two beings must be highly evolved and have completed a lot of clearing work within themselves to be fully ready for such a reunion.

Twin flames usually haven't been together all that often during their series of lives on the planet, and so their backgrounds may be different. Yet, there is a closeness and similarities of spirit that are almost uncanny, noticed in many ways, such as looking back at yourself when you look at your mate, and a remembering of the distant past when you first split up. Guidance is strong with these relationships, and usually one or both have a good channel for communication with Spirit. Their connection is telepathic, and hugging each other is like coming home for nourishment. Twins only come together when they have service work to do together on the planet.

A soulmate is someone you are close to at a soul level, and with whom you have had many shared experiences in different lifetimes, in various kinds of relationships -- siblings, parent-child, best friend, as well as romantic relationships. There is a deep love for each other, and a spiritual bond that sets them apart from the superficiality of most other people in your life. Conversations are generally deep, about personal growth and service to make the world a better place. We can have many soulmates in our lives, and they come to us to help us grow spiritually.

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