SiteMarketing Project

OurWork > Projects > SiteMarketing Project

This includes the AboutUsNewsLetter, FixMediaWikiRedirects, TwoTieredSiteMap, GenericMetaDescription, TitleKeywordsAndLocation, NoFollowMostExternalLinks, AboutUsVideos, EditAlertsOnSave, BadgeAsk, AboutUsWidgetLibrary, SocialMediaPresence, Custom404


We believe that we can attract investors if we can demonstrate Revenue and Engagement. While none of these pieces have the same potential impact as other projects that drive ViralEngagement or demonstrate ScalableRevenue, taken together they provide a good return on our effort.


If we dropped everything else to work on this we think we could achieve the following milestones.

by Wednesday February 13:

by Wednesday February 20:

by Wednesday February 27:

by Wednesday March 5:

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