

Sirius Solutions
Dallas TX
United States 75244-7602


When I started a business in 1990, designing circuit boards for integrated circuit test equipment, I searched for a CAD program that had scripting capability, ran on a Mac, and was affordable. I found MiniCad+ 2.0 almost immediately and have never looked further. In the 15 years that followed, I have designed more than 500 circuit boards and written well over 1000 scripts. All of this was made possible by Diehl Graphsoft and subsequently by NNA. I offer my heartfelt thanks to everyone that has made this great product a reality.

Reshaper came to light a few years ago as an enhancement to my "bag of tricks" to replace the discontinued Reshape command from the Good-Olde-Days of MiniCad. The loss of the Reshape command was a small casualty of MiniCad's evolution. The original MiniCad command handled seven 2D shapes and Walls (the first hybrid 2D/3D object). As a child looks at most good things, "more is better!", so I didn't stop with the seven 2D shapes. At its public release, Reshaper handles 22 shapes (2D & 3D) and presents new ways to display and manipulate object data. It is not meant to be a replacement for the Object Info Palette, but rather a tool that allows quick editing of an object's parametric data.

I hope you find Reshaper as useful as I do, and I welcome your thoughts, criticisms, and any suggestions you may have that would enhance Reshaper. Please feel free to email me anytime at the link displayed below.

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