offers web hosting packages for several different platforms


Reseller Hosting - Reliable Multiple Domain Hosting and Reseller Web Hosting at Rochen Host!


If this is your first visit to Rochen's site please feel free to take your time to look around. I especially recommend you visit our Customer Forums and browse the various sections within the public areas of the community. Navigating our website and forums will most certainly help give you an insight into our business and the way we operate it. Open, up-front and honest communication with our customers is at the center of what we do.

Rochen was founded in July of 2000 with a vision to create a hosting provider built on honest communication, fantastic customer support and great service uptime. From our grass root beginning with only one web server, Rochen has been built from the ground up. Now well into our fifth year of operation, backed by a strong and enthusiastic management team along with many loyal staff throughout North America, Europe and Oceania, we host over 15,000 websites for clients in over 40 countries worldwide.

As well as providing a fantastic web hosting service, Rochen are constantly looking to expand our product range and the features included with our plans. For example, in late 2004 we introduced a Remote Off-Site Backup service, which is provided at no extra charge and is inclusive within the cost of all Rochen's web hosting plans. In March 2005 Rochen launched our Premium Web Hosting service, Email Hosting plans and many other new services; probably marking the largest announcement the company has made since the introduction of our Reseller Hosting service in December 2002. By constantly innovating, it is our aim to always stay ahead of the market, both with quality of service and value for money.

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Rochen Limited
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland DD5 2YR
+44 (0)870 7606 387

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