
Scientology Philosophy: What is Greatness? -- Article by L. Ron Hubbard


The purpose of this index is to organize a broad range of information on the Scientology religion into categories, to make it easy to find and access, and to provide the answers to vital questions about life.

The word Scientology, conceived by L. Ron Hubbard, comes from the Latin scio which means “know” or “distinguish,” and from the Greek word logos which means “reason itself” or “inward thought.” Thus it means the study of wisdom or knowledge. It means knowing how to know. Scientology, however, is defined as the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universes and other life.

Scientology helps answer questions such as: what is man’s basic nature? If we are spiritual beings, how can a man or woman be driven to commit acts of cruelty? Is it possible to gain security and happiness in life? Can one ever really come to terms with losing a loved one and move beyond the grief of it?

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