QuantixSoftware.com provides portfolio management & investment analysis software


QUANT IX SOFTWARE Portfolio Record Keeper - investment record keeping software - Investment Account Manager - account mananging software


Founded in 1985, QUANT IX SOFTWARE, Inc. develops investment record keeping and portfolio management software for investors. In addition to software development, QUANT IX SOFTWARE also offers investment advisory and portfolio management services to residents of the State of Wisconsin through their subsidiary, The Willms Group.

QUANT IX SOFTWARE actually was formed in response to the successful use of a proprietary investment accounting and analysis package developed internally for the investment advisory firm, Alpha Research. Initial versions of this software program offered both comprehensive record keeping and quantitative valuation modeling tools. Given the lack of such software then available to individual investors, QUANT IX SOFTWARE was founded, and the first DOS version of the QUANT IX Portfolio Evaluator (QPE) was made available to investors through mail order channels.

In the period of 1985-1994, multiple versions of QPE were developed and improved, with QPE receiving widespread acclaim from many leading investment related publications: PC Computing, PC Magazine, Forbes Magazine, Fortune Magazine, AAII Computerized Investing, and countless syndicated columns - to name just a few. With the growing interest and use by individual and professional investors, QPE also became a common topic in the CompuServe investing forums. It was there that QPE was ‘discovered’ by leading NAIC (National Association of Investors Corp.) representatives, and in 1994, it was agreed QPE would be modified and then licensed to the NAIC as the NAIC Personal Record Keeper (PRK), the official software of the NAIC for individual investor portfolio accounting.

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