
Lower back pain, hip & knee replacement exercise videos | Pinnacle Rehabilitation Ltd.


education, instruction, and active healing

Pinnacle Rehabilitation Ltd. was founded in 2001 to address unmet needs in the orthopedic community, to provide quality patient education utilizing the video medium (VHS & DVD), and to help promote employee health and wellness within industry.

Pinnacle believes that by educating patients, and by providing them with proper instruction, guidance, and motivation, that they will improve their health, and enhance their quality of life. Patients search for accurate medical information, and we deliver.

B. McPeak MD CCFP - President, Executive Producer

Dr. Brian McPeak obtained his Medical Doctorate from the University of Alberta in 1993, and completed a Family Medicine Residency in 1995. He is a Clinical Lecturer at the University of Alberta , and acts as a preceptor for both medical students and residents. Dr. McPeak maintains acute care privileges at the Grey Nuns Hospital , and long-term care privileges at a number of nursing homes. He sits on the Medical Advisory Committee at St. Joseph 's Auxiliary Hospital , and is Chairman of the Executive Committee at the Justik Medical Center . He has been a staff physician at the Grandview orthopedic unit since 1996. Dr. McPeak maintains a number of certifications including Advanced Cardiac, and Advanced Trauma Life Support.

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Pinnacle Rehabilitation Ltd.
Edmonton AB
Canada T6J 7E2

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