People's Revolutionary Dictionary

At last, a dictionary for the Politically Incorrect among us, brought to you by The Professional Paranoid, author H. Michael Sweeney. Read the definitions to both learn things you never knew, better understand the viewpoints of the non mainstream populace (persons other than easily pacified sheep), and above all else, have a laugh.

Of course, one other purpose of such a dictionary is to drive home the point that if things continue down the path they are currently heading, the people may just need to sponsor some form of political (hopefully) or perhaps even more traditional revolution to end the madness. Any such point can best be made by the popularity of the dictionary. The more that people use and amend it, the more instructional a warning it becomes to the political system against which it chaffs, and the less likely a revolution will be.

So spread the word about these words, and feel free to add your own definitions to existing terms, or to add whole new terms. The pump has been primed with a handful of definitions. Enjoy...

Rules are simple:

1) When adding a new term:
a) Place it at the TOP of existing definitions. It will later be relocated alphabetically.
b) Start with at least a couple of the basic 'true' definitions as would be considered 'norm' by the Republicrats and Democrons, and other sheep, giving perhaps preference to those which best underscore your intended point. Feel free to creatively exaggerate or make fun of, or make puns out of such definitions.
c) Please PARAPHRASE any littoral quotations borrowed from actual dictionaries so as not to violate their copyrights and to avoid having to quote the source.
d) Feel free to add your own unique definitions at the end
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4) No profanity, no bigotry, no slander, no pointless stupidity, and no entries intended to assault prior entries. All contributions subject to editorial review by The Professional Paranoid and the Wiki Community.
5) Before actually adding or editing a definition or term, and to get the most from your contribution, please review Wiki editing procedures and general AboutUs community policies.

The People's Revolutionary Dictionary

an·ar·chism (an-er-kiz-uhm) n. 1.) a political doctrine favoring the abolition of government or reduced governmental restraints on civil liberties as the only viable means for reaching full social and political liberties. 2.) relating to and derived from the political beliefs of the Anarchists, which was a Russian political movement attempting to overthrow the Bolsheviks in 1918 by use of violence which commonly featured terrorism using molatov cocktails and bombs. 3. You abandon your cows, shoot the tax collector, steal his money, and rape his dog (unless a hunting dog — but since it is a government dog, we know that dog don't hunt). You blow up the church and rape the bell. John Lennon sings Obladi Oblada in RAP with P Diddy using melodies randomly generated on a Commodore Pet, which you rape. The Carlyle Group’s Blackwater provides contracted police services to communities, but since there is no law, they end up shooting everyone in the community they don't rape. CIA funds, infiltrates, and teaches student groups on how to make molatov cocktails, and how to use condoms (which was a good thing — they had no clue and had been using them to keep sand out of their gun barrels).
Contributed by (1)(2)(3) H. Michael Sweeney from Professional Paranoid Defensive Field Guide
an·ar·chist (an-er-kist) n. 1.) One who favors anarchism; the reduction or elimination of governmental power and authority. 2.) (when capitalized) referring to a member of or the actual Anarchist movement of 1918. 3.) a derogatory label applied by media in ways to imply that those who favor reductions in or elimination of government also favor the the violent methods applied by the Anarchists during the Bolshevik revolution, as a means to dissuade public dialog about the feasibility of any reduction in government. 4) As presumably defined by any government in terms of how they portray the anarchist movement, 'slang for Antichrist'
Contributed by (1)(2)(3) H. Michael Sweeney
con•sti•tu•tion (kän(t)-stə-ˈtü-shən) n. 1.) Formal laws, ordinances, or organizational procedures or customs (e.g., secret tenets of Skull n' Bones); 2) a contractual written agreement between a people and a nation, state, or social group to which they belong which defines the authority, powers, organization, obligations, and limitations for both the people and for the governing body (e.g., the Constitution and By-Laws of a home owners association) 3) when capitalized, generally referring to the Constitution of the United States of America; a document to be widely ignored by a government that it may regularly violate its own laws and the rights of citizens as if the Constitution did not exist.
Contributed by (1)(2)(3) H. Michael Sweeney
con·sti·tu·tion·al·ism (kon-sti-too-shuh-nl-iz-uhm) n. 1.) a belief in the principles and authority of a constitutiona-based government and its rule of law. 2.) You have two cows and the government cannot unreasonably search or seize them without a warrant, or prevent you from talking about radical cow politics in public, or prevent you from owning fully-automatic milking machines and forming a militia of fellow cow owners who meet weekends and practice milking with dummy targets. You can't figure out which of the thousands of churches to attend. Neither can John Lennon, so he writes Imagine. Bill Gates looses his antitrust suit to the government and actually pays Steve Jobs for stealing the idea for Windows. The Carlyle Group is investigated, and Blackwater actually looses contracts to lower bidders. CIA obeys the law and does nothing within US borders.
Contributed by (1)(2) H. Michael Sweeney from Professional Paranoid Defensive Field Guide
con•sti•tu•tion•al•ist (kän(t)-stə-ˈtü-shə-nəl-ist) n. 1.) Someone who believes in and promotes the tenets of a constitution; 2) what Congressmen call themselves when running for office, where they are then free to rewrite it into something closer to what they really believe in (e.g., boondoggle, cronyism, graft); 3) one of several radical groups the US Department of Defense and Homeland Security considers to be enemies of the State against whom they plan to go to war in the near future, and prepare for so doing by developing 'non lethal' electronic (and other) weapons of political control technology under the guise of antiterrorism (e.g., The US Army War College magazine Parameters regularly talks about a 'Peoples War' originally defined as against Constitutionalists, the underclass, disenfranchised, and retired military). 4.) a derogatory label used by media to avoid discussion of complaints of civil liberties violations or other violations of law by government.
Contributed by (1)(2)(3)(4) H. Michael Sweeney (ref Fatal Rebirth.)
fa·tal·ism (feyt-l-iz-uhm) n. 1.) an acceptance of all things which transpire as being inevitable and unavoidable, often resulting in a positive attitude which bravely accepts negative outcomes and dauntlessly continues on. 2.) a philosophy or doctrine which sees events as being subject to fate or inevitable predetermination, often resulting in a negative attitude or apathetic reassignment to events which results in inaction against possible negative outcome, or even undertakes self-destructive acts which insure and aggravate negative outcome. 3.) Your cows died after you stopped feeding them because you figured they would just die, anyway. It was the same reasoning by which you determined God is dead. You never heard of John Lennon, who therefore never wrote Help, and thus you never did get any. You still can't figure out how to operate your PC despite Windows for Dummies. The Carlyle Group hires you to be a consultant in Iraq through Blackwater, who, based upon CIA intelligence estimates, sends you out to guard a bridge.
Contributed by (1)(2)(3) H. Michael Sweeney from Professional Paranoid Defensive Field Guide
fa·tal·ist (feyt-l-ist) n. 1.) one who believes all things are predetermined and unavoidable. 2.) an underemployed person who joins the Army in order to provide for himself or his family during a Bush Dynasty war.
Contributed by (1)(2) H. Michael Sweeney
mil·i·ta·rism (mil-i-tuh-riz-uhm) n. 1.) a strong military spirit or policy which sees maintaining a large military establishment as the supreme goal of the state, which subordinates all other interests to those of the military (e.g., The Bush Dynasty). 2.) you have two cows, each of which you have convinced that the other is seeking to invade their own private pasture. You sell arms and underreported intelligence estimates to both sides. Your church owns stock in your arms company and Microsoft. John Lennon had his visa revoked because he was a pacifist who smoked pot and sang Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds while asleep in a room full of surveillance cameras. The Carlyle Group is the largest corporate conglomerate in the world, with Blackwater fielding the largest mercenary army in the world. CIA is headed by an ‘ex’ General to insure the military knows everything CIA knows, and CIA gets to say squat about how the information is used (e.g., USAF General Michael V. Hayden).
Contributed by (1)(2) H. Michael Sweeney from Professional Paranoid Defensive Field Guide
mil·i·ta·rist (mil-i-taer-ist) n. 1.) someone who is studied in military strategy or policy, and/or who believes in a strong military. 2.) Any member of a Bush Dynesty administration or other New World Order organization which believes a constitution-based America a is deterrent to a one-world governement which can only be resolved by conversion to a military police state.
Contributed by (1)(2) H. Michael Sweeney
pa·tri·ot·ism (pey-tree-uh-tiz-uhm) n. 1.) a fervent and unwavering support of and willingness to defend one's own country; national loyalty. 2.) You have two cows painted red, white, and blue. Your church supports the current war with standing-room only services held ten times a day. John Lennon protested by singing Think for Yourself in a sleep-in as we bombed whomever the President identified as a terrorist that week, which happens to be Apple Computer for refusing to allow the Feds to crack the operating system to enable virus attacks by FBI. The Carlyle Group controls all media by providing Blackwater security services for media’s offices and hiring CIA mind control experts for the editorial and reporting staffs.
Contributed by (1)(2) H. Michael Sweeney from Professional Paranoid Defensive Field Guide
pa·tri·ot (pey-tree-auht) n. 1.) one who exhibits national loyalty by a fierce defense thereof. 2.) anyone who does not protest the logic or viability of war or other governmental actions undertaken during the Bush Dynasty.
Contributed by (1)(2) H. Michael Sweeney
pac·i·fism (pas-uh-fiz-uhm) n. 1.) opposition to violence of any kind, even to include refusal to enter into military service in the belief that all differences among nations can be resolved without waging war. 2.) You have two contented cows which give canned milk. Your body is your temple (and you are what you eat). The government is headed by John Lennon, who declares the new National Anthem is We Can Work it Out. Everyone finally figures out Macs are better and gives up virus protection, operating system reinstallation, drivers, and system reconfiguration forever. The Carlyle Group is bought out by GreenPeace, which manages to stop oil spills so there is no more black water. Cia is the name of the latest female love Goddess sought after by the cartoon character, Opus.
Contributed by (1)(2) H. Michael Sweeney from Professional Paranoid Defensive Field Guide
pac·i·fist (pas-uh-fist) n. 1.) One who does not believe in violence or war. 2.) a word NOT used by media to describe anyone who does not support the latest Bush Dynasty war (e.g., they instead use ‘unpatriotic’ or describe them as ‘not supporting our troops’).
Contributed by (1)(2) H. Michael Sweeney
pop·u·lism (pop-u-liz-uhm) n. 1.) a political belief which does not support government by the wealthy or empowered (plutocracy) or by government by the few (oligarchy), but instead favor a government which provides the greatest good for the greatest number. 2.) as defined by the plutocratic oligarchy, the beliefs of those wacky left-wing and right-wing commie liberals who are ganging up to side track the election process with trivial matters. 3.) Everyone has two cows and a Macintosh Computer running both Mac and PC software (with no more driver installs or OS reinstalls). The government listens to everyone, even John Lennon when he sang Power to the People. The Carlyle Group is flock of cloned sheep that like to drink Black Water. CIA is a slang substitutional adverb for 'happy Citizens In America' (e.g., We be all CIA about dat).
Contributed by (1)(2)(3) H. Michael Sweeney
pop·u·list (pop-u-liz-uht) n. 1.) someone who believes in populism. 2.) as defined by the plutocratic oligarchy, anyone asking difficult questions at political debates or who is critical of both the Democratic and Republican parties, or who supports a three-party movement.
Contributed by (1)(2) H. Michael Sweeney
sur·re·al·ism (suh-ree-uh-liz-uhm) n. 1.) a style of art or literature which relies upon the subconscious or non rational significance of images achieved by automatism, randomness, juxtaposition, or symbolism. 2.) You have a pasture full of Dell Computers searching the Web (which has no spam, no pop ups, and all URLs work) for the best price on a Macintosh. The government worships you. There is no John Lennon, because he made sense, so he instead turns out to actually be Ringo Starr, who never quite did, always wondering What Would You Do If I Sang Out of Tune, which of course, he did. The Carlyle Group is a hip-hop band made up chiefly of Native Americans, including Chief Black Water. CIA is thus an acronym for Cerebela Informing Anus which is frequently depicted by an cartoon of Homer Simpson with his head up Mr. Bush’s posterior, sans flashlight.
Contributed by (1)(2) H. Michael Sweeney from Professional Paranoid Defensive Field Guide
sur·re·al·ist (suh-ree-uh-liz-uhm) n. 1.) an artist who specializes in creating surreal art. 2.) any media commentator, politician, or cabinet member within the Bush Dynasty trying to justify the latest war.
Contributed by (1)(2) H. Michael Sweeney
ter·ror·ism (těr'ə-rĭz'əm) n. 1.) As authorized and ill-legally defined by the Patriot Acts I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and subsequent/previous associated legislations by George Bush, George Bush, Jeb Bush, and unnamed shrubs yet to come, anything done or failed to be done by anyone which does, threatens to do, or fails to do anything which does, threatens to do, or fails to do something The Man does not like or would later claim he would have liked; 2) Living in Amerika; 2.1 (revised secretly) Possibly, dying in Amerika without first asking permission. (e.g. You have two cow factions, one a pasturationalist, and one even more radical. You train the radical cow to strap on a bomb and graze unobtrusively in a pasture full of Microsoft executives plotting how to finally eliminate Apple Computer at a $200 a plate dinner for the Republican Nominees, Jebidiah Bush and Arnold Swastinaegger. While you safely worship a Golden Calf on a carpet facing Texas in your barn, the bomb goes off, killing only the entertainment, which was John Lennon singing You Know You Can't Do That. Carlyle Stock goes up another $50, and Blackwater agents delivers another $1M through CIA money-laundering conduits (a conduit is a pipe used to transport fluids, as in the Aghastgasinacan Pipeline) to the radical Cowslem Movement in Iwreck, Oilran, and Saudi Oilrabia).
Contributed by (1)(2)(2.1) H. Michael Sweeney (3) from Professional Paranoid Defensive Field Guide
ter·ror·ist (těr'ə-rĭst) n. 1.) one who seeks to gain political change by use of terrorism. 2) anyone who opposes the Bush Dynasty or the New World Order (e.g., those who use this dictionary).
Contributed by (1)(2) H. Michael Sweeney

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