

Phil Malone and Lisa Malone's Earth Sheltered, Geothermal, Passive Solar home at Deep Creek Lake, Maryland.


Lisa and I are both fairly regular people, although we're both well traveled (internationally), and pretty independent. Lisa has built a successful Jazzercise Franchise in Annapolis Maryland (USA), and I'm an Australian born freelance Software Developer specializing in embedded computers and internet technologies.

A few years back, I converted the "walk-out" basement of our Annapolis home into an office, and moved all my stuff down two levels. After sweltering for many years with a seemingly ineffective central A/C system on the top floor, I now found myself basking in the coolness that my new basement office provided. This made me wonder about the merits of the American style of multi-level home construction. It seemed to me that designing a home to make use of the natural thermal properties of the earth would be cool project, so I started doing some research about earth covered houses.

A few months later, I did some Web work for my brother's advertising design firm in Australia, and it started me thinking about how my daily existence also impacted the environment in terms of the Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming. I was building (brother) Nigel a web page that would convert an Australian Household's yearly power bill into Tons of Greenhouse Gas produced by it's generation (assuming fossil fuels). This amount was then converted into the number of "Equivalent Cars" that could be taken off the road if this power was generated by some "Greener" means.

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