

Social Security and Child Support Commissioners - Homepage


About us

The Social Security and Child Support Commissioners are special judges appointed by the Queen. They are independent of, and in no way connected to, the Department for Work and Pensions, HM Revenue and Customs, the Child Support Agency or Local Authorities. Commissioners decide appeals on point of law from Appeals Service tribunals in social security, tax credit, child support, housing benefit, council tax benefit and compensation recovery cases. They also decide appeals from Pensions Appeal Tribunals relating to war pensions and cases which have been referred to them under the Forfeiture Act.

The jurisdiction of the Commissioners extends over England, Wales and Scotland. The Commissioners panel consists of a Chief Commissioner, 17 other full time Commissioners and deputy Commissioners who sit part time.

Select the appropriate area below to find out about the people who work for the Social Security, Child Support and Pensions Appeal Commissioners and the areas of work that they cover.



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