
Friday Night Organ Pump


The Kay Africa Memorial Organ at Finney Chapel in Oberlin, Ohio, built by C.B. Fisk, Inc. (Opus 116), is the instrument played during the Friday Night Organ Pump.

organ pump / (n.) a concert given from time to time on a Friday evening by members of the Conservatory organ studio in Finney Chapel

Well, that's a start, but the Organ Pump is much more than just an organ concert. The Organ Pump is a fun-filled musical spectacle! In addition to organ music of the highest quality, Organ Pump audiences also enjoy the organ department's unique sense of humor. Organists entertain audiences with song and dance, skits, and their charming personalities. The Organ Pump also features great dramatic and non-organ related musical entertainment. Past Pumps have included the stylin' sounds of the Oberlin College Marching Band, pyrotechnics from student magician Gared Crawford, and the unbelievable coordination of the Oberlin student percussion group Click.

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